Project activities will have effect on the territory of Pelagonija region (municipalities Bitola, Prilep, Resen, Krusevo, Demir Hisar, Novaci, Mogila, Krivogastani and Dolneni), region of Florina and region of Thessaloniki. All project regions have active rural communities which keep the tradition as it was centuries ago, but still strive for better local economy. Also, project activities will geographically target National park Prespa and National park Pelister. Faculty for tourism and hospitality of Ohrid, being located in an internationally developed tourism area will provide extra knowledge on competitive tourism product development and sustainable tourism potentials utilization. Entire target area of the project neighbors across one state border.
Target area of the project abundance with tourism potentials: more than 500 archaeological sites, more than 20 active and attractive villages, dozens of protected sites, natural lakes, rare biodiversity, flora and fauna, and citizens with hospitable manners. Project area also comprehends large cities (Thessaloniki, Bitola, Ohrid) excellent road network and proximity of three international airports. Vicinity of the cross border regions and the extreme concentration of natural, cultural and historical heritage makes them perfect location for development of joint tourism product which will be attractive for domestic and international tourists. Modern trends in tourism seek tourism products that overcome state borders and instead offering unique experience. Pelagonija, Florina and Thessaloniki have potentials for providing such experience.